Windows PowerShell Commands:Overview

Table of Contents

the available PowerShell commands can be started with the command:


or displayed via help:

help *

PowerShell commands are also called cmdlets.



Name Alias Description
Get-WinEvent - Gets events from event logs and event trace log files on local and remote computers
Get-Counter - Gets performance indicator data from local computers and remote computers
Import-Counter - Imports performance indicator log files (".blg", ".csv", ".tsv") ...
Export-Counter - The Export-Counter cmdlet accepts PerformanceCounterSampleSet objects and exports them as performance counter log files.
Disable-WSManCredSSP - Disables CredSSP (Credential Security Service Provider) authentication
Enable-WSManCredSSP - Enables CredSSP (Credential Security Service Provider) authentication
Get-WSManCredSSP - Retrieves the Credential Security Service Provider-related configuration for client and server.
Set-WSManQuickConfig - Configures the local computer for remote management.
Test-WSMan - Tests whether the WinRM service is running on a local computer or remote computer
Invoke-WSManAction - Calls an action for the object specified by the resource URI and in the selectors
Connect-WSMan - Connects to the WinRM service on a remote computer
Disconnect-WSMan - Disconnects the client from the WinRM service on a remote computer
Get-WSManInstance - Shows management information for a resource specified by a resource URI.
Set-WSManInstance - Changes the management information about a resource.
Remove-WSManInstance - Deletes a management resource instance.
New-WSManInstance - Creates a new instance of a management resource.
New-WSManSessionOption - Creates a hash table for the WS-Management session option, which is used as an input parameter for the following WS-Management cmdlets: Get-WSManInstance Set-WSManInstance Invoke-WSManAction Connect-WSMan
Get-Command gcm Gets basic information about cmdlets and other elements of Windows PowerShell commands in the session. e.g.aliases, functions, filters, scripts, and applications
Get-Help - Displays information about Windows PowerShell commands and concepts
Get-History history,ghy,h Gets a list of commands entered during the current session
Invoke-History ihy,r Executes commands from the session history
Add-History - Adds entries to the session history
Clear-History clhy Clears entries from the command history
Register-PSSessionConfiguration - Creates and registers a new session configuration.
Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration - Deletes a registered session configuration from the computer.
Get-PSSessionConfiguration - Gets the registered session configurations on the computer.
Set-PSSessionConfiguration - Changes the properties of a registered session configuration.
Enable-PSSessionConfiguration - Enables session configurations on the local computer.
Disable-PSSessionConfiguration - Disables access to session configurations in a session.
Enable-PSRemoting - Configures the computer to receive remote commands.
Invoke-Command icm Executes commands on local computers and on remote computers
New-PSSession nsn Creates a PowerShell session (persistent connection) on a local computer or a remote computer.
Get-PSSession gsn Gets the Windows PowerShell sessions (PSSessions) created in the current session
Remove-PSSession rsn Closes one or more Windows PowerShell sessions (PSSessions).
Start-Job - Starts a Windows PowerShell background job.
Get-Job gjb Gets Windows PowerShell background jobs started in the current session
Receive-Job - Gets the results of the Windows PowerShell background jobs in the current session.
Stop-Job spjb Stops a Windows PowerShell background job.
Wait-Job wjb Suppresses the command prompt until one or all Windows PowerShell background jobs have completed
Remove-Job rjb Deletes a Windows PowerShell background job.
Enter-PSSession etsn Starts an interactive session with a remote computer.
Exit-PSSession exsn Ends an interactive session with a remote computer.
New-PSSessionOption - Creates an object that contains advanced options for a PSSession.
ForEach-Object %,foreach Forces an operation on the individual input objects of a group of egg...
Where-Object where,? Creates a filter that controls which objects can be accessed via a command pipe...
Set-PSDebug - Enables or disables script debugging functions, sets expiration ve...
Set-StrictMode - Creates and enforces coding rules in expressions, scripts and script...
New-Module nmo Creates a new dynamic module that exists only in memory...
Import-Module ipmo Adds modules to the current session
Export-ModuleMember - Indicates the module members that will be exported.
Get-Module gmo Get the modules that have been imported into the current session or i...
Remove-Module rmo Removes modules from the current session.
New-ModuleManifest - Creates a new module manifest.
Test-ModuleManifest - Checks if in a module manifest file the content of a module is exactly ...
Add-PSSnapin asnp Adds one or more Windows PowerShell snap-ins to the current session ...
Remove-PSSnapin rsnp Removes Windows PowerShell snap-ins from the current session.
Get-PSSnapin gsnp Gets the Windows PowerShell snap-ins on the computer
Export-Console - Exports the names of snap-ins in the current session to a conso...
Format-List fl Formats the output as a list of properties, in which each property...
Format-Custom fc Formats the output using a custom view.
Format-Table ft Formats the output as a table
Format-Wide fw Formats objects as a wide table in which only one property of each...
Out-Null - Deletes the output instead of sending it to the console
Out-Default - Sends the output to the default formatter and the default...
Out-Host oh Sends the output to the command line.
Out-File - Sends the output to a file. 
Out-Printer lp Sends the output to a printer
Out-String - Sends objects to the host as a series of strings.
Out-GridView ogv Sends the output to an interactive table in a separate window.
Get-FormatData - Gets the formatting data in the current session.
Export-FormatData - Saves formatting data of the current session in a format...
Register-ObjectEvent - Subscribes to the events generated by a Microsoft .NET Framework object ...
Register-EngineEvent - Subscribes to events created by the Windows PowerShell module and cmdlet "N...
Wait-Event - Waits until a specific event is triggered before executing...
Get-Event - Gets the events in the event queue
Remove-Event - Deletes events from the event queue.
Get-EventSubscriber - Gets the event subscribers in the current session
Unregister-Event - Cancels an event subscription.
New-Event - Creates a new event.
Add-Member - Adds a custom member to the instance of a Windows PowerShell object...
Add-Type - Adds a Microsoft .NET Framework type to a Windows PowerShell session.... 
Compare-Object diff Compares two sets of objects.
ConvertTo-Html - Converts Microsoft .NET Framework objects to HTML content that can be placed in a...
ConvertFrom-StringData - Converts a string containing at least one key-value pair en...
Export-CSV epcsv Converts Microsoft .NET Framework objects to a set of CSV char...
Import-CSV ipcsv Converts object properties in a CSV file (Comma-Separated Valu...
ConvertTo-CSV - Converts Microsoft .NET Framework objects to a set of CSV char...
ConvertFrom-CSV - Converts object properties in comma-separated value (CSV) format to...
Export-Alias epal Exports information about currently defined aliases to a file.
Invoke-Expression iex Executes commands or expressions on the local computer.
Get-Alias gal Gets the aliases for the current session
Get-Culture - Gets the current culture setting of the operating system
Get-Date - Gets the current date and time. 
Get-Host - Gets an object representing the current host program. And displays s...
Get-Member gm Gets the properties and methods of objects
Get-Random - Gets a random number or selects objects at random ...
Get-UICulture - Gets the current user interface culture settings d...
Get-Unique gu Returns the unique elements from a sorted list.
Export-PSSession epsn Imports commands from another session and stores them in a ...
Import-PSSession ipsn Imports commands from another session into the current session.
Import-Alias ipal Imports an alias list from a file.
Import-LocalizedData - Imports language-specific data based on the data required for the operating sys...
Select-String - Search text in strings and files.
Measure-Object measure Calculates the numeric properties of objects as well as the characters, ...
New-Alias - Creates a new alias.
New-TimeSpan - Creates a TimeSpan object.
Read-Host - Reads an input line from the console. 
Set-Alias sal Creates or changes an alias (alternate name) for a cmdlet or...
Set-Date - Changes the system time on the computer to the time you specify.
Start-Sleep sleep Holds the activities in a script or session for the specified... 
Tee-Object tee Saves the command output to a file or variable and displays it...
Measure-Command - Measures the time taken to execute script blocks and cmdlets...
Update-List - Adds a property value containing a collection of objects ...
Update-TypeData - Updates the current extended type configuration by reloading...
Update-FormatData - Updates the formatting data in the current session.
Write-Host - Writes a custom output to a host. 
Write-Progress - Displays a status indicator in a Windows PowerShell command window
New-Object - Creates an instance of a Microsoft .NET Framework object or COM ob...
Select-Object select Select specified properties of an object or a set of object...
Group-Object group Groups objects that have the same value ...
Sort-Object sort Sorts objects by property values.
Get-Variable gv Gets the variables in the current console.
New-Variable nv Creates a new variable.
Set-Variable set,sv Sets the value of a variable. Creates the variable if no va...
Remove-Variable rv Deletes a variable and its value.
Clear-Variable clv Clears the value of a variable.
Export-Clixml - Creates an XML representation of objects and stores it in a da...
Import-Clixml - Imports a CLIXML file and creates corresponding objects in Windo...
ConvertTo-XML - Creates an XML representation of an object.
Select-XML - Searches text in an XML string or document.
Write-Debug - Writes a debug message to the console.
Write-Verbose - Writes text to the stream for verbose messages.
Write-Warning - Writes a warning message.
Write-Error - Writes an object to the error stream.
Write-Output echo,write Sends the specified objects to the next command in the pipeline. W...
Set-PSBreakpoint sbp Sets a breakpoint for a line, command, or variable
Get-PSBreakpoint gbp Get the breakpoints that are set in the current session
Remove-PSBreakpoint rbp Deletes breakpoints from the current console.
Enable-PSBreakpoint ebp Enables breakpoints in the current console.
Disable-PSBreakpoint dbp Disables breakpoints in the current console.
Get-PSCallStack gcs Displays the current call list
Send-MailMessage - Sends an email.
Get-TraceSource - Gets the Windows PowerShell components used for tracing...
Set-TraceSource - Configures, starts and stops a trace from Windows Powe...
Trace-Command - Configures and starts a trace of the specified expression...
Start-Transcript - Creates a record of a full or partial Windows PowerS...
Stop-Transcript - Stops a recording.
Add-Content ac Adds content to the specified elements, e.g. adding words...
Clear-Content clc Deletes the contents of an element, for example the text in a file...
Clear-Item clp Clears the value of a property, but not the property itself.
Join-Path - Combines a path and a child path into one path. The ...
Convert-Path cvpa Converts a path from a Windows PowerShell path to a Window...
Copy-Item cpp Copies a property and value from a specified location.... 
Get-EventLog - Gets the events in an event log or a list of event...
Clear-EventLog - Clears all entries from specified event logs on local ode...
Write-EventLog - Writes an event to an event log.
Limit-EventLog - Sets the event log properties that control the size of the event...
Show-EventLog - Shows the event logs of the local computer or a remote comp...
New-EventLog - Creates a new event log and event source on a...
Remove-EventLog - Deletes an event log or unregisters an eventq...
Get-ChildItem dir,ls,gci Gets the items and child items at one or more... 
Get-Content type,cat,gc Gets the content of the element at the specified location.
Get-ItemProperty gp Gets the properties of a specified item
Get-WmiObject gwmi Gets instances of WMI classes (Windows Management Instrumentation, Wind...
Invoke-WmiMethod iwmi Invokes Windows Management Instrumentation methods (Windows Management...
Move-ItemProperty mp Moves a property from one location to another speic...
Get-Location pwd,gl Gets information about the current working memory location
Set-Location chdir,cd,sl Sets the current working memory location to a specified location ...
Push-Location pushd Pushes the current location to the top of the list of speic...
Pop-Location popd Changes the current location to the location last used on the...
New-PSDrive mount,ndr Creates a Windows PowerShell drive in the current session.
Remove-PSDrive rdr, Removes a Windows PowerShell drive from its location,
Get-PSDrive gdr Gets the Windows PowerShell drives in the current session
Get-Item gi Gets the item at the specified location. 
New-Item ni Creates a new item.
Set-Item si Changes the value of an item to the value specified in the command.
Remove-Item rd,erase,del,rmdir,rm,ri Deletes the specified items.
Move-Item move,mv,mi Moves an item from one location to another location.
Rename-Item ren,rni, Renames an item in a Windows PowerShell provider namespace
Copy-Item copy,cp,cpi Copies an item within a namespace from a location to ...
Clear-Item cli Deletes the contents of an item, but not the item itself.
Invoke-Item ii Executes the default action for the specified item.
Get-PSProvider - Gets information about the specified Windows PowerShell provider
New-ItemProperty - Creates a new property for an item and sets the value. S...
Split-Path - Returns the specified part of a path
Test-Path - Determines whether all elements of a path are present.
Get-Process ps,gps Gets the processes running on the local computer or a remote comp...
Stop-Process kill,spps Kills one or more running processes.
Wait-Process - Waits for processes to finish before accepting further input
Debug-Process - Debug one or more processes running on the local computer
Start-Process saps,start Starts one or more processes on the local computer.
Remove-ItemProperty rp Deletes the property and its value from an item.
Remove-WmiObject rwmi Deletes an instance of an existing WMI class (Windows Management Ins...
Rename-ItemProperty rnp Renames the property of an item
Register-WmiEvent - Subscribes to a WMI event (Windows Management Instrumentation, Windows...
Resolve-Path rvpa Resolves the wildcard characters in a path and displays the contents of the p...
Get-Service gsv Gets the services on a local computer or a remote computer
Stop-Service spsv Stops one or more running services.
Start-Service sasv Starts one or more terminated services.
Suspend-Service - Suspends one or more running services
Resume-Service - Resumes one or more paused (interrupted) services
Restart-Service - Stops one or more services and then starts them.
Set-Service - Starts, stops, and modifies the properties of a service.
New-Service - Creates a new Windows service.
Set-Content sc Writes new content into an element or replaces the content of an eleme...
Set-ItemProperty sp Creates or changes the value for a property of an item.
Set-WmiInstance swmi Creates or updates an instance of an existing WMI class (Wi...
Get-Transaction - Get the current (active) transaction
Start-Transaction - Starts a transaction.
Complete-Transaction - Executes a commit for the active transaction
Undo-Transaction - Resets the active transaction
Use-Transaction - Adds the script block to the active transaction.
New-WebServiceProxy - Creates a web service proxy object that allows you to use the web service in Windows ...
Get-HotFix - Get the hotfixes applied on the local and remote computers
Test-Connection - Sends ICMP echo request packets ("pings") to one or more compu...
Enable-ComputerRestore - Enables the system restore feature on the specified file...
Disable-ComputerRestore - Disables the system restore feature on the specified date...
Checkpoint-Computer - Creates a system restore point on the local computer.
Get-ComputerRestorePoint - Gets the restore points on the local computer
Restart-Computer - Restarts the operating system on the local and remote computers
Stop-Computer - Stops local and remote computers (shuts them down).
Restore-Computer - Starts a system restore on the local computer.
Add-Computer - Adds the local computer to a domain or workgroup
Remove-Computer - Removes the local computer from a workgroup or domain.
Test-ComputerSecureChannel - Tests and repairs the secure channel between the local computer un...
Reset-ComputerMachinePassword - Resets the computer's machine account password
Get-Acl - Gets the security descriptor for a resource, such as a D...
Set-Acl - Changes the security description of a specified resource, e.g. ei...
Get-PfxCertificate - This command gets information about PFX certificate files on d...
Get-Credential - Gets an object with credentials corresponding to a username...
Get-ExecutionPolicy - Gets the execution policy for the current session
Set-ExecutionPolicy - Changes the user setting for the Windows PowerShell execution ric...
Get-AuthenticodeSignature - Gets information about the authenticode signature in a file
Set-AuthenticodeSignature - Adds an authenticode signature
ConvertFrom-SecureString - Converts a secure string to a standard encrypted line
ConvertTo-SecureString - Converts encrypted standard strings to secure string...


Help topics can be invoked in Powershell by calling help HILFETHEMA (example: help about_aliases)

In Windows 10, the help is not complete:

The help files for this cmdlet cannot be found by "Get-Help" on this computer. Only
part of the help is displayed.

The PowerShell help can be updated with the command: update-help -UICulture 'en-US' to update it. "en-Us", because as of PowerShell 3 unfortunately no German help is available with this variant. An internet connection is also required for updating.

command Description
about_aliases Describes how to use alternate names for cmdlets and commands in
about_Arithmetic_Operators Describes the operators used in Windows PowerShell
about_arrays Describes a compact data structure for storing
about_Assignment_Operators Describes how variables can be assigned values using operators
about_Automatic_Variables Describes variables from which state information for Windows
about_Break Describes a statement that lets you use foreach, for, while, do, and
about_command_precedence Describes the way in which Windows PowerShell will use the
about_Command_Syntax Describes the syntax used in Windows PowerShell help
about_Comment_Based_Help Describes how comment-based help topics for functions and
about_CommonParameters Describes the parameters used with each cmdlet
about_Comparison_Operators Describes the operators to compare values in Windows
about_Continue Describes how to use the continue statement to control the program flow
about_Core_Commands Lists the cmdlets that are required for use with Windows
about_data_sections Explains data sections where text strings and other
about_debuggers Describes the Windows PowerShell debugger.
about_do Performs a statement list one or more times with the
about_environment_variables Describes how to access Windows environment variables in Windows
about_escape_characters Gives an introduction to the escape character in Windows PowerShell and
about_eventlogs In Windows PowerShell, a "Windows PowerShell" called Windows
about_execution_policies Describes execution policies of Windows PowerShell and
about_For Describes a voice command that you can use to send instructions to
about_Foreach Describes a voice command that lets you select all items in an
about_format.ps1xml In Windows PowerShell's format.ps1xml files, the
about_functions Describes how to create and use functions in Windows
about_functions_advanced Provides an introduction to advanced functions that are similar
about_functions_advanced_methods Describes how in functions that use the CmdletBinding attribute
about_functions_advanced_param... Explains how to use functions that use the CmdletBinding attribute
about_functions_cmdletbindinga... Describes an attribute declaring a function whose
about_hash_tables Describes how to create, use and sort
about_History Describes how to retrieve and execute commands in the command history.
about_If Describes a voice command that you can use to call instruction lists
about_jobs Contains information about background execution of commands or
about_job_details Contains details about background jobs on local and remote computers.
about_join Describes how to use the join operator (-join) to join multiple
about_Language_Keywords Describes the keywords in Windows PowerShell-
about_Line_Editing Describes how to edit commands at the Windows
about_locations Describes accessing items in the working memory location of
about_logical_operators Describes the operators for joining statements in
about_methods Describes the methods to perform object actions in
about_modules Explains how to install, import and use
about_objects Contains important information about objects in Windows PowerShell.
about_operators Describes the operators supported by Windows PowerShell.
about_parameters Describes how to work with cmdlet parameters
about_Parsing Describes how command parsing works in Windows
about_Path_Syntax Describes the formats for full and relative path names in
about_pipelines Combining commands into pipelines in Windows PowerShell
about_preference_variables variables to customize the behavior of Windows PowerShell
about_profiles Describes how to create and
about_prompts Describes the prompt function and illustrates how a
about_properties Describes how object properties in Windows PowerShell
about_providers Describes how Windows PowerShell providers access data and
about_pssessions Describes Windows PowerShell sessions (PSSessions) and
about_pssession_details Provides detailed information about Windows PowerShell
about_PSSnapins Describes Windows PowerShell snap-ins and illustrates their
about_Quoting_Rules Describes rules for using single and duplicate
about_Redirection Describes how to direct Windows PowerShell output to text files
about_Ref Describes how to create and use a reference variable type.
about_regular_expressions Describes regular expressions in Windows PowerShell.
about_remote Describes how remote commands are executed in Windows PowerShell.
about_remote_FAQ Contains questions and answers about running remote commands in
about_remote_jobs Describes how to run background jobs on remote computers
about_remote_output Describes how to interpret and
about_remote_requirements Describes the system and configuration requirements for
about_remote_troubleshooting Describes troubleshooting for remote operations in Windows PowerShell.
about_requires Prevents a script from executing if the specified
about_Reserved_Words Lists the reserved words that are not used as ID
about_Return Ends the current scope. This can be a function, a
about_scopes Explains the concept of scope in Windows PowerShell and shows,
about_scripts Describes how scripts are written and
about_script_blocks Defines script blocks and explains how to use them
about_script_internationalization Describes the script internationalization features of Windows
about_Session_Configurations Describes session configurations that determine which
about_Signing Explains how scripts are signed so they can pass Windows
about_Special_Characters Describes the special characters you use to interpret
about_split Explains how to use the split operator to create an or
about_Switch Explains how to use a switch statement to process multiple
about_Throw Describes the throw keyword that causes an error with abort
about_transactions Describes the management of transaction operations in Windows
about_trap Describes a keyword that handles an error with abort
about_try_catch_finally Describes the use of try, catch and finally blocks
about_types.ps1xml Explains how to use the Types.ps1xml files to support the Microsoft
about_type_operators Describes the operators associated with Microsoft .NET Framework types
about_Variables Describes how to store values in variables that are used in
about_While Describes a language statement that you can use to store values in variables based on
about_wildcards Describes how to use wildcard characters in Windows PowerShell
about_Windows_PowerShell_2.0 Describes the new features of Windows PowerShell 2.0.
about_Windows_PowerShell_ISE Describes the features and system requirements of the integrated
about_WMI_Cmdlets Contains background information about the
about_WS-Management_Cmdlets Provides an overview of web services for management (WS-Management) as
default Displays help on Windows PowerShell cmdlets and concepts

Additional commands can be installed at any time using modules:

e.g. for Active Directory RSAT



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created by Bernhard | published: 2022-05-02 | Updated: 2022-05-02 | Übersetzung Deutsch |🔔 | Comments:0

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