PowerShell - Best Practice - creating better scripts

PowerShell offers relatively much freedom in designing the scripts. In order to write scripts in a readable and understandable way, it is advantageous if certain rules are followed. In PowerShell, comments can be inserted to explain the code, or information about the script and help can be stored in the header of a cmdlet, and the possible parameters can be documented. Thegoal should be that the code is written as self-explanatory as possible, which makes some comments unnecessary and simplifiesalater adjustment by oneself or by others. Additional code for error handling can increase stability and speed up debugging. The use of a suitable editor supports development, see PowerShell editors in comparison: ISE, Visual Studio Code.

write self-explanatory

  • When called, the whole cmdlet name should be used (no aliases).
    As an example, the cmdlet: "Get-ChildItem" can also be called with the alias "gci". When reading the source code, the name "Get-ChildItem" suggests the purpose of the function purely from the name, according to the help: get-help get-childitem:
    "Gets the items and child items in one or more specified locations."
  • So-called "named parameters" should be used as parameters in scripts:
    As an example, all files in a given folder could be displayed with the cmdlet: "Get-ChildItem":
    Not recommended: "get-childitem c:\temp", or "gci c:\temp".
    The call should be used as follows:
    "get-childitem -Path c:\temp"
  • Documentation within the code
    • In PowerShell ISE, Ctrl+J with Cmdlet (advanced) can be used to insert a template for the PowerShell header, see: Cmdlet (advanced function)
  • For commands that are not self-explanatory: Add comments:
    • A single line comment can be created with "#"
      #Description of the following call
    • multiline comments start with a "<#" and end with "#>"
      </#" and end with "#> 

There are predefined prefixes for the function names. For own functions a valid prefix (verb) should be used:

Get-Verb - permissible cmdlet names for own functions

With the command Get-Verb it is possible to display all allowed verbs for own commands:

PS C:\Windows\system32> get-verb
Verb        Group
----        -----
Add         Common
Clear       Common
Close       Common
Copy        Common
Enter       Common
Exit        Common
Find        Common
Format      Common
Get         Common
Hide        Common
Join        Common
Lock        Common
Move        Common
New         Common
Open        Common
Optimize    Common
Pop         Common
Push        Common
Redo        Common
Remove      Common
Rename      Common
Reset       Common
Resize      Common
Search      Common
Select      Common
Set         Common
Show        Common
Skip        Common
Split       Common
Step        Common
Switch      Common
Undo        Common
Unlock      Common
Watch       Common
Use         Other


Verb        Group
----        -----
Backup      Data
Checkpoint  Data
Compare     Data
Compress    Data
Convert     Data
ConvertFrom Data
ConvertTo   Data
Dismount    Data
Edit        Data
Expand      Data
Export      Data
Group       Data
Import      Data
Initialize  Data
Limit       Data
Merge       Data
Mount       Data
Out         Data
Publish     Data
Restore     Data
Save        Data
Sync        Data
Unpublish   Data
Update      Data


Verb        Group
----        -----
Approve     Lifecycle
Assert      Lifecycle
Complete    Lifecycle
Confirm     Lifecycle
Deny        Lifecycle
Disable     Lifecycle
Enable      Lifecycle
Install     Lifecycle
Invoke      Lifecycle
Register    Lifecycle
Request     Lifecycle
Restart     Lifecycle
Resume      Lifecycle
Start       Lifecycle
Stop        Lifecycle
Submit      Lifecycle
Suspend     Lifecycle
Uninstall   Lifecycle
Unregister  Lifecycle
Wait        Lifecycle


Verb        Group
----        -----
Debug       Diagnostic
Measure     Diagnostic
Ping        Diagnostic
Repair      Diagnostic
Resolve     Diagnostic
Test        Diagnostic
Trace       Diagnostic


Verb        Group
----        -----
Connect     Communications
Disconnect  Communications
Read        Communications
Receive     Communications
Send        Communications
Write       Communications


Verb        Group
----        -----
Block       Security
Grant       Security
Protect     Security
Revoke      Security
Unblock     Security
Unprotect   Security

No plural should be used for the verb, the suggested verbs are all singular ...

no long one-liners

Due to the use of multiple parameters, commands are often a bit more difficult to read:

Get-ChildItem -Path "c:\temp" -Recurse -Depth 2 -Include "*.txt" -Force  -Exclude "*temp*" -WarningAction Continue -ErrorAction Stop

It becomes somewhat clearer if the parameters are written in separate lines:

Line breaks

with a "`" at the end of the line the command can be split to several lines:

Get-ChildItem `
    -Path "c:\temp" `
    -Recurse `
    -Depth 2 `
    -Include "*.txt" `
    -Force  `
    -Exclude "*temp*" `
    -WarningAction Continue `
    -ErrorAction Stop

Alternatively, the parameters can also be passed via a hashtable:


By swapping the parameters into a hashtable, they can be made clearer:

$HashArguments = @{
  Path = "c:\temp"
  Recurse = $true
  Depth = 2
  Include = "*.txt"
  Force = $true
  Exclude = "*temp*"
  WarningAction = "Continue"
  ErrorAction = "Stop"
Get-ChildItem @HashArguments

one purpose per function

Functions should, as with other script languages, have a specific purpose and not combine several tasks in one function. As an example, the command "Get-ChildItem" outputs all files or folders of a directory. To perform a specific action on the files, for example, deleting all files (items), another cmdlet is used: "Remove-Item". The two cmdlets can be combined in the call:

Get-ChildItem -path "c:\temp" | Remove-Item

Get-ChildItem is used to return a list of files, Remove-Item is used to remove (delete) a specific item. The example is for interactive use in PowerShell and should only illustrate the well-defined task of the cmdlets.

Do not terminate functions with an exit

Functions should be terminated with a throw in case of an error, not with an exit. The reason for this is that when exit is used, the entire script is terminated. If, on the other hand, "throw" would be used, an error of the function can be handled with a try/catch. Without try/catch, the script still terminates with an error at this point.

function test{
		Write-Output $x 
		Throw 'no $X passed' 

try {
} catch {
    Write-Output "Param x fehlt"

Abstraction into own functions when it makes sense

Functions make sense when they add value:

  • When a certain block of code is to be used multiple times
  • For certain logics that can simply only be implemented with functions.
  • When it makes the script more reliable.
  • If it makes the script more understandable and easier to use

As an example, the Get-ChildItem function could be wrapped in a new function and then called through it:

   Wrapper für Get-ChildItem
function Get-MyChildItem
    Get-ChildItem -path $path


#Aufruf der Funktion:
Get-MyChildItem -path "c:\temp"

The call to the custom function in the example is just as readable as the created function: The example makes no sense in the form, of course, but it is representative of a function whose only task is to call another function. I have already seen examples where a separate function makes the script neither more readable, nor simpler. It gets really complicated when one function calls another function, which calls another function, and so on. It is possible that the author has an overview at the time of writing the script, but after some time finds himself having to reverse-engineer the script before he can make any adjustments to it, and it is even more difficult for another person. At this point , some compassion for the people who will be reading or apassing the script later makes sense. In addition it should not be forgotten that a function, as already mentioned, should have only one task if possible: Less is often more and the simpler the better.

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