PowerShell Syntax: compare and nest
PowerShell uses so-called comparison operators for comparing values. Pipes can be used to pass different PowerShell commands to other commands.
To compare certain values there are the following comparison operators.
Examples are:
not equal
greater than
greater than or equal to
less than
less than or equal to
we use"-gt
" (greater than) in our next example:
Pipes (redirection)
By using the pipe symbol"|
" several commands can be nested or redirected:
compare to the example dir, (Get-ChildItem)
Get-ChildItem c:\testordner | where-Object {$_.Length -gt 50KB}
shows files (dir) in the folder c:\testfolder larger than 50KB.
we get the following output:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 381816 PsExec.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 105264 psfile.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 333176 PsGetsid.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 390520 PsInfo.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 468592 pskill.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 232232 pslist.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 183160 PsLoggedon.ex
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 178040 psloglist.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 171608 pspasswd.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 167048 psping.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 169848 PsService.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 207664 psshutdown.ex
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 187184 pssuspend.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 66582 Pstools.chm
If we want to sort the list by size, we need another pipe
Get-ChildItem c:\testordner | where-Object {$_.Length -gt 50KB} | Sort-Object Length
The output then looks like this:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 66582 Pstools.chm
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 105264 psfile.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 167048 psping.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 169848 PsService.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 171608 pspasswd.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 178040 psloglist.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 183160 PsLoggedon.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 187184 pssuspend.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 207664 psshutdown.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 232232 pslist.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 333176 PsGetsid.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 381816 PsExec.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 390520 PsInfo.exe
-a--- 19.03.2013 18:32 468592 pskill.exe
So that the sorting recognizes the data type correctly, something can be helped:
If all file names should consist of numbers, Sort-Object
would sort the names alphabetically: 1000 would then be smaller than 50 as an example.
The remedy is to assign the data type: Sort-Object { $_.Name.replace("stringpart","") -as [int] }
Data types, see: PowerShell Variables, Data Types and Objects.
The formatting of the output can be customized with another pipe, so to get a list instead of the table view the command: Format-List can be used:
Get-ChildItem c:\testordner | where-Object {$_.Length -gt 50KB} | Sort-Object Length | Format-List
Verzeichnis: C:\testordner
Name : Pstools.chm
Length : 66582
CreationTime : 20.02.2013 17:22:50
LastWriteTime : 19.03.2013 18:32:56
LastAccessTime : 20.02.2013 17:22:50
VersionInfo :
File: C:\testordner\Pstools.chm
InternalName: Original
Filename: File
Version: File
Debug: False
Patched: False
PreRelease: False
PrivateBuild: False
SpecialBuild: False
Name : psfile.exe
Length : 105264
CreationTime : 20.02.2013 17:22:50
LastWriteTime : 19.03.2013 18:32:54
LastAccessTime : 20.02.2013 17:22:50
VersionInfo :
File: C:\testordner\psfile.exe
InternalName: psfile
OriginalFilename: psfile.exe
FileVersion: 1.02
FileDescription: psfile
Product: Sysinternals PsFile
ProductVersion: 1.02
Debug: False
Patched: False
PreRelease: False
PrivateBuild: False
SpecialBuild: False
Language: Englisch (Vereinigte Staaten).........
Example read event log:
For example, the event log can be read out on a remote computer, a pipe | can be used to search in it and another pipe | can be used to export the result to a csv file:
get-winevent -computername RemoteSystem -Logname System | where {$_.Message | findstr "zu suchen"} | Export-Csv c:\temp\sucheimEventlog.csv

{{percentage}} % positive