sleep or wait in batch files: pause cmd
The function wait or sleep was not available in BATch files by default.
Remedy is a small detour via the ping Command
sleep or wait with ping
@ping -n 10 localhost> nul
waits in about 10 seconds (-n 10) and then continues to execute the batch file.
retrofit sleep command
sleep.cmd in C:\Windows\System32
@echo off
@ping localhost -n 2 > NUL
@ping localhost -n %1 > NUL
Windows Vista/7/8/10/11
since Windows Vista there is the command "timeout":
timeout /T 10
waits 10 seconds, the waiting time can be skipped with any key, to prevent this there is the parameter: /nobreak
timeout /T 10 /nobreak
further topics
- Introduction, basics and advanced knowledge of Windows Batch, see.: Windows Batch.
- The current command line interpreter, see: Windows PowerShell

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created by Bernhard
| published: 2022-05-02
| Updated: 2024-05-19 |
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